Do you get the feeling that negative energy is all around you? Are you persistently feeling sick or drained? The opposing extremes are also possible such as obsessiveness, feeling trapped, lost, or disconnected. These are all signs of your chakra being out of balance. When you know what each chakra symbolizes and what you can do to maintain its energy flowing smoothly, you will be able to live in perfect harmony with yourself and others.
What are Chakras?
Chakras are energy centers in the body, and they are seven in number (root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, crown chakra). These run the length of the spine, from the base to the crown chakra at the top of the head. They are tied to our mental, physical, and spiritual qualities.
The three chakras above the heart connect to our higher self, our guidance, and inspiration. The three chakras below the heart are connected to the earth and activities related to our relationship with being present in our body.
When a chakra is ‘blocked’ by being underactive (too closed) or overactive (too open), our whole being is out of balance, which may lead to disease and/or emotional barriers. This may be triggered by our surroundings, the people we are related to, our emotions, trauma, and other life events.
According to the law of vibration, we must align our energy with the things we wish to attract.
Why clear the Chakras?
Activating and clearing the chakras supports your energetic and physical bodies. It opens a flow of energy that calms your nervous system and boosts your intuitive senses. It sets your intention to connect with your higher self. Each time we connect within we develop and strengthen our energetic pathways. These pathways light up, and any blocks or stagnant energy floating in your aura are released. As you take steps in prayer and meditation and build your energetic field, you will find that the light supports and strengthens you.
What are methods of stabilizing Chakras and lifting vibrational frequency?
Meditation, to release blocks, energetic attachments, and clear your system.
Visualization, powerful method to attract manifestations of what you desire.
Setting Intensions, keeps you connected to your goals, desires, and needs. Can be done when setting goals, or anytime.
Affirmations are in line with the law of attraction what you affirm will in time manifest.
Spiritual Bath , Use Sea Salt and baths to detox your physical and energetic bodies,
Candlelight - lighting a candle and having it near you raises the vibration in the room. Focus on the area around your heart and breathe in light then exhale letting your heart expand around you. Call upon your higher self, tune in light, and raise your vibration.
Essential oils to help lift your mood and clear your mind. The measured frequencies of essential oils have been shown to go as high as 320 MHz as seen with Rose oil! Lavender has a frequency of 118 MHz and Sandalwood has a frequency of 96 MHz. Oils entrain the cells of the body to increase their vibratory rate.
Sound healing using tiberian bowls to transform energy vibration through sound. These pure tones create a vibrational sound field that resonates with and reharmonizes the chakras and the parts of the body associated with those chakras.
Listening to binaural beats or frequencies, when you listen to binaural beats, your brain activity matches the frequency set by the frequency of the beat. This means you can use binaural beats to entrain your mind to reach a certain mental state.
Prayer, Prayer generates good karma; good energy and therefore enables energy to move more freely and smoothly resulting in better physical and mental health.
Reading the bible. The bible has a higher frequency thus reading the word of God raises your vibration.
Crystals working with crystals offers a healing way to clear blockages, increase energy flow, and balance your system.
Make sure you cleanse your crystal before and after use. If someone else touches them negative energy can clog the crystal, weakening its properties. Energetically cleansing them clears away anything that should not be there and brings the crystal back into perfect balance and working at an optimal level.
Breathwork- Works simultaneously on our emotional body and physical body. Benefits range from mental, emotional, physical to energetic and spiritual health and growth. Breathwork is healing on a cellular level. Breathing is responsible for getting 70% of toxins out of the body each day.
The Root Chakra
Balanced - Purify, Balance, Peace
The root chakra represents our foundational connection to breath, home, stability, food, reproduction, sexuality, safety, and community. The root chakra governs the foundations of our lives and core issues, including our basic needs, sense of security, our home and family life, and how we feel in our bodies. When the root chakra is functioning optimally and is in healthy alignment, we have an inner sense of security, clear thinking, good concentration,
Expanded or Overactive Root Chakra
The expanded root chakra can indicate an attempt to, overcome, fill, or replace feelings of lack or loss from childhood. The expanded root chakra can be the result of tremendous upheaval and destabilization as an adult. With an overactive chakra we may get annoyed or even angry and aggressive at the slightest provocation.
Contracted or Underactive Root Chakra
The contracted root chakra is an example of being shut down or closed off. This can be due to unwillingness or difficulty to overcome difficulties related to the foundational connection to breath, home, stability, food, reproduction, sexuality, safety, and community. We may feel restless, lethargic, anxious, and panicky, frustrated, or angry, resentful, and disconnected from both ourselves and the world, as a result you may have low self esteem and feel pessimistic, insecure, unsafe, and as though we don’t fit in.
What causes imbalanced Root Chakra
Overindulge in money, food, sex, and resistance to change unresolved childhood events or issues.
Physical Symptoms of imbalanced Root Chakra
Constipation, weight issues, digestive issues, eating disorder, fatigue, back pain, increased anxiety, panic attacks, feeling unsafe, negativity or pessimism, difficulty concentrating, low self-esteem, clumsiness
Essential oils to help balance Root Chakra
Vetiver, lavender, sandalwood, patchouli, frankincense
Root Chakra Affirmations
I am stable, centered, and balanced.
I am grounded and connected to the Earth.
I feel safe wherever I go and whatever I do.
I have everything I need and I am filled with greatness.
I am optimistic and focused. I trust in myself and my abilities.
I am divinely guided by the universe and trust that I have all I need to create all I desire.
I am peaceful and calm. I am a channel for peace.
The Sacral Chakra
Balanced - Pleasure, Creativity, Positivity
The sacral chakra is known as the spleen chakra. It processes digests and transforms information. The function transfers information which occurs with food , thoughts, circumstances, and emotion. This chakra is the creative and sexual energy center of our bodies lined to matters of intimacy and connection, including sex, fertility, and reproduction. When balanced we are content, uninhibited in our relationships and creative endeavors, and capable of deep intimacy and we exude a joyful vibrancy.
Expanded or overactive Sacral Chakra
When the sacral chakra is to large. There is an inability to discern and process information accurately. This is due to overwhelming circumstances on an emotional, spiritual/etheric, relational, or physical level. This can occur from unchosen or chosen overstimulation, and or the lack of personal resources and support to process these experiences. Overwhelming emotions, mood swings, overdependence on others, jealousy, and possessiveness, sexual or other addictions can manifest from an overactive sacral chakra.
Contracted or Underactive Sacral Chakra
When the sacral chakra is contracted it may be stuck or sluggish. When this occurs there is an inability to process emotional and mental, information which can manifest on a physical level. May result in in a low libido issue around sex or intimacy, gynecological or fertility challenges, struggles with creative endeavors, lack of creative insights or fulfillment, lingering relationship issues, emotional dissatisfaction.
What causes Sacral Chakra imbalance?
Relationship issues, sexual experiences, how we handle our work life balance may disrupt the flow.
Physical symptoms of imbalanced Sacral Chakra
Sexual dysfunction, low libido, sexual addictions, addictions to substances drugs or alcohol, pelvic pain, hormonal issues, fertility challenges urinary issues, lower back pain, guilt, emotional imbalances, mood disorders, lack of fulfillment and joy, boredom, dissatisfaction.
Essential oils to help balance Sacral Chakra
Rosewood, Ylang – ylang, clary sage, orange, eucalyptus
Sacral Chakra Affirmations
I am here to enjoy all that is divine in life. I deserve to experience pleasure and joy.
Creativity, joy, and abundance flows through me effortlessly.
I am enthusiastic and passionate about life. I honor all my emotions and feelings.
I am in touch with my feelings and body.
My body is a sacred temple and I honor it.
I love and take care of my body.
I implement creative ideas efficiently and easily. I feel my power.
I am balanced and thriving in every area of my life.
I am positive in every situation. My positivity radiates positive energy and light towards others.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Balanced - Uplifting, Confidence, Optimism
The solar plexus is known as the first body knowing center it provides information about how we fee and experience the world though our intuitive awareness. This is experienced in the stomach area. This center is connected to our sense of personal safety, anxiety, and excitement and is often referred to as the gut feeling. When balanced we have a strong sense of self and confidence in who we are and what we want and the belief to accomplish our dreams.
Expanded or Overactive Solar Plexus
Solar plexus expanded can indicate misuse of power and controlling energy or over sensitivity.
Alternatively, an expanded solar plexus chakra can indicate a person who has a balanced and heightened sensitivity level.
Contracted or Underactive Solar Plexus
When contracted the person will experience a loss of personal power and/or fear. This may arise from not feeling a sense of control about life. And or a lack of self-trust and self-confidence. Struggle with being authentic, have self-doubt, confusion about our identity. Low self-esteem and insecurity.
What causes Solar Plexus imbalance?
Misuse of power and controlling energy or over sensitivity. Being egotistical and power hungry.
Physical symptoms of imbalanced solar plexus chakra
Bloating, digestive issues, nausea, indigestion, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, agitation, liver issues, pancreatic disorders, diabetes
Essential oils to help balance Solar Chakra
Lemon, ginger, grapefruit, peppermint
Solar Chakra Affirmations
I embrace my true self and I know who I am. I am confident in who I am.
I am open with others
I pursue my passions and desires and I have the strength to achieve my goals.
I have the ability to create what I desire.
I use my personal power wisely and I am proud of myself and all I have achieved.
My strength inspires other people. I make decisions with confidence.
Heart Chakra
Balanced= Love, Healing, Compassion
The heart chakra is considered the central location within the main seven chakra system the energy center that bridges between physical and spiritual realms. Serves as an energy center for love and our ability to both give and receive it, as well as the qualities of compassion, and facilitates our ability to be connected to all beings and objects.
Overactive or expanded Heart Chakra
The expanded heart chakra can be interpreted positively and negatively. A positive expanded heart chakra means feelings of openness, love, forgiveness, compassion, and universal connection.
A negatively expanded heart chakra means codependency, excessive responsibility for others or smothering. Giving to much, neglect our own emotions and fail to love ourselves. Abandonment, jealousy, possessiveness, and emotional dependance.
Underactive or contracted Heart Chakra
Contracted or small heart chakra it indicates guardedness, a wounded heart, lack of trust, and or fear. This condition can also indicate a lack of compassion or forgiveness towards the self or others. We may struggle with giving or receiving love or we may find it difficult to forgive others or get over past pains. We may lack empathy, feel disconnected from others, self-isolate.
What causes Heart Chakra imbalance?
codependency, excessive responsibility for others or smothering. Giving to much, lack of self love, neglecting our own emotions, jealousy, possessiveness, and emotional dependance.
Physical symptoms of imbalanced Heart Chakra
Chest Pain and heart disease, Respiratory issues, Asthma, Restlessness, Shortness of breath, Panic attacks, Depression, Insomnia, Lack of energy, Immune system deficiencies, Shoulder and upper back pain.
Essential oils to help balance the Heart Chakra
Rose, Jasmine, Neroli, Lavender
Heart Chakra Affirmations
Love is always flowing through me. I operate from a foundation of love. I find joy and connection in my life.
I filled with love and compassion for myself and others. We are all connected, and love is our true essence.
I love fully and freely, and I am at peace with myself and others.
I radiate love and experience beauty everywhere I go. I am opening to self-love.
The universe surrounds and protects me with love.
I am spiritual aware.
I am a channel and instrument of peace and love.
I regularly practice self-forgiveness. I forgive others easily.
Throat Chakra
Balanced- Expressive, Clarity, Courage
The throat chakra holds our expression and tonal qualities of our lives. We express ourselves and our vibration that interfaces with the world in 2 ways. One of which is through our vocalizations and how we bring tone to our breath. The throat chakra is the energy center for speech and communication and is linked to our integrity and morals. It also governs the ears, it allows us to hear the inner voice of our intuition. When balanced we have the capacity for creative expression.
Overactive or expanded Throat Chakra
Expanded or overactive Throat Chakra involves misuse of the energy of the voice which includes, gossiping, or speaking inappropriately. It also means talking negative information, empty words, anger, deceit, and general misuse of power. Being overly critical or judgmental of others, your mode of communication leads you to talk over people and dominate conversation, non-stop chatter and loudness prevents you from hearing your inner voice.
Underactive or contracted Throat Chakra
Underactive or Contracted throat chakra is generally a result of lack of personal power. This can be from family or personal secrets which can include shame, fear, or burdens. This can also be from generational messages or soul level shame. Sometimes this occurs from the inability to honor the inner voice., lack of inspiration or enthusiasm. You may be fearful of speaking your truth and suppress your feelings. You may be shy and stumble over your words.
What causes Throat Chakra imbalance?
Speaking negatively towards yourself or others, gossiping, using inappropriate words, being overly critical of others, yelling or speaking over someone to dominate conversation. Not listening to inner voice., not speaking your truth and suppressing feelings.
Physical symptoms of imbalanced Throat Chakra
Speech impediments, Stuttering and lisps, sore throat or laryngitis, jaw or mouth pain, throat infections, sores in mouth, hearing issues, ear infections, neck pain, thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances
Essential oils to help balance the Throat Chakra
Eucalyptus, tea tree, clove, peppermint
Throat Chakra Affirmations
I embrace my voice and speak my truth in all situations
I know when to listen to others and when to speak. I communicate with clarity and confidence.
I express myself and find creative ways to do so.
I feel safe to express myself.
I use my words for making peace in the world and I am filled with the power of the Holy spirit.
Brow Chakra
Balanced- Wisdom, Intuition, Awareness
Indicates integration of our ideas, intuitive awareness, imagination, creativity, insight, and inventiveness. There is a connection between the qualities just described and self-trust and confidence. Balanced Brow Chakra allows us to trust our intuition, be comfortable in our chosen path, and be able to use both our feelings and acts to make decisions, we feel as we are living in harmony within ourselves.
Expanded or overactive Brown Chakra
Expanded can be positive or negative. A negative expansion means over sensitivity to the etheric environment, or a sense of being overwhelmed by incoming external and etheric information. We may feel intense psychological and physical symptoms.
Our imagination may be in overdrive therefore clouding our intuition and our ability to discern between facts and feelings. We may over intellectualize at the expense of our emotional or spiritual needs. Distorted self-image, struggle with self-acceptance,
A positive expanded brow chakra means a person who is a long term meditator. This can also indicate sensitivity to information beyond ordinary reality, creativity, inspiration, and intuition. In this case the person is easily able to integrate these qualities into their reality.
Underactive or contracted Brow Chakra
The small brow chakra indicates difficulty processing both internal and external etheric stimulus. The individual may be depressed, disengaged, confused, or discouraged. The underactive brow can also mean emotional/mental paralysis or trauma. Lack of sense of purpose and belief in our chosen path, energetically drained and uninspired, struggle to find meaning in our lives, makes us feel disheartened, skeptical, and fearful of the unknown. Prevention of remembering dreams as we are not connected to subconscious which prevents us from receiving guidance or wisdom in our dream state.
What causes Crown Chakra imbalance?
Emotional/mental paralysis or trauma. Lack of sense of purpose and belief in our chosen path. Not getting enough sleep. Distorted self-image. Overintellectualize at the expense of emotional or spiritual needs.
Physical Symptoms of imbalanced Brow Chakra
Migraines, sinus issues, blurred vision, eye strain, cataracts, glaucoma, hallucinations, insomnia, immune system deficiencies, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, compromised adrenal function, adrenal fatigue.
Essential oils to help balance the Brown Chakra
Sandalwood, bergamot, vetiver, patchouli
Brow Chakra Affirmation
My mind is clear and focused, I follow my innate wisdom.
I take steps to declutter my mind of thoughts and feelings that no longer serves me.
I tap into my inner guidance. I am wise, intuitive, and discerning.
I trust my inner wisdom and guidance and believe my ability to create the life I desire.
Crown Chakra
Balanced - Spiritual, Relaxed, Tranquil
A balanced crown chakra indicates an entire energy system that is stable and sustains equilibrium. The crown chakra represents connections within your inner self and higher consciousness. This chakra traits include unity, enlightenment, serenity, and ability to see beauty in everything. Connection to the universe, wisdom, and awareness.
Expanded or overactive Crown Chakra
Expanded crown can be either positive or negative when negatively expanded it indicates imbalance within the overall system that influences all behaviors. Desire for material belongings, greed and superficially, arrogance about life, instead of seeing the divine connection among all of us we only see what disconnects us from others. Spiritually disconnected from the Divine.
When positively expanded it indicates high level or spiritual attainment.
Underactive or Contracted Crown Chakra
Contracted indicates a lack of belief in anything beyond this reality. You may feel lonely, passive, energetically numb, physically fatigued, disconnected from others, lack of direction, aimlessly drifting through life without purpose or connection.
What causes Crown Chakra Imbalance?
Disconnection from others and the divine, lack of direction, aimlessly drifting through life without purpose or connection, greed and being superficial, and having an arrogance about life.
Physical symptoms of imbalanced Crown Chakra
Migraines, pituitary gland issues, Thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances, chromic fatigue, hair loss, cognitive issues, neurological disorders, nerve pain, psychological issues, anxiety, depression.
Essential oils to help balance the Crown Chakra
Lavender, Myrrh, Frankincense, Spikenard
Crown Chakra Affirmations
I am one with the divine Universe. I honor and nurture my divine connection.I trust that everything in my life is unfolding for the highest good of myself and others.
I am at peace with myself and experience bliss regularly.
I let go, trust the process of life. I am always connected to God.
I accept and eagerly implement my soul plan. I trust my higher self.
Positive Effects
Help clear negative energy around you or space.
Bring clarity and divine connection to your mind.
Sooth Stress and Tension
Clear Chakra energy blocks. Meditating, setting intentions, reading affirmations and prayer can help clear blockages.
Improve sleep quality. Creates a peaceful ambiance before sleep.